The SlotSig library installation procedures

This document briefly describe how to install and expand the library. If you want to learn how to use it, please read the tutorial.

To be quite honest, there's nothing really special to do. Just copy the slotsig directory in a place you can reach to include files it contains. Under Linux, for example, you can do a system-wide installation just by copying this directory into /usr/include. The installation can be something as simple as (being root) :

# tar jxvf slotsig-x.y.tar.bz2
# cp -Rv slotsig-x.y/slotsig /usr/include

And that's it... almost.

Most of SlotSig is template classes. But there's one file you must compile and link with your project (whatever it is, a library or a program), it's the file slotsig_bases.cpp contained in the same directory as the other header files.

Expanding the library

By default, the library provides support for signals and slots sending (or receiving) up to 16 parameters. If you need more, for your convenience a Python script is provided in the root directory. For example, to provide support for 17 parameters, run :

# cd /your/path/to/slotsig-x.y
# python 17

This will generate two files :

You can check if everything if OK by compiling and running the test program, for example, using g++ :

# g++ -Wall -lstdc++ -o test_17.x tests/test_17.cpp slotsig/slotsig_bases.cpp && ./test_17.x

The program should compile without any warning, and run without crashing. Please note the last parameter, this file really must be compiled and linked with your project.

Of course, you may need to copy the newly-generated slotsig_17.h file to an appropriate place, where all the other files already rely.